Saturday, December 25, 2010

Smallville & Supernatural: Mid-season reviews

The past few years, I have had only two absolute favorite cannot-miss-an-episode-or-I-will-cry-myself-to-sleep shows: Smallville and Supernatural. This year's season has been very important for both shows, but for different reasons. This is Smallville's 10th and final season (boo hoo), and Supernatural's sixth season, which was uncertain after last season which saw its show's creator leave and the major plot of the series wrap up. The question on every fan's mind has been, will this season live up to expectations? Well, I can only answer for myself, but I'll give it a shot.

For Smallville, YES, and then some. This has been, hands down, my favorite season of the series by far. Yes, I am a total shipper (face it, people, Clois rules!), but can any fan argue that this season hasn't been epic? Usually we have one or two filler episodes -- or episodes where nothing major happens in the story arc -- but this season, every single episode has had a major reveal or impact that seems to be building toward the ultimate finale. Lois learns Clark's secret identity. Clark changes his costume from the black one to a more iconic red suit with the traditional Superman logo on it. Chloe disappears. Tess joins the league of heroes as the new Watchtower. Tess is Lionel's illegitimate daughter (I feel like an idiot for not seeing that one coming!). Lionel is back! Lois and Clark get engaged. Hawkman dies. Bam. Bam. Bam. I used to only enjoy watching Smallville each week. Now, I can't wait for Friday nights, and yes, I have been known to watch an episode more than once. Now that we are 11 episodes into the final season -- halfway, folks -- I am full-fledged into mourning the loss of this show which has become my No. 1 guilty pleasure. The cast is solid. And, I find this hard to admit, but never in a million years did I imagine I'd become such a fan of Tess. Plus, the stories have been awesome. I mean, did you see episode 11? It started with Clark's ultra romantic proposal to Lois and it ended with an OMG moment during Hawkman's funeral procession when the league of superheroes -- including Lois -- were apparently gassed and knocked unconscious, but by whom? And why? I can't wait for the show to return in mid-January. Anyone else out there agree? Disagree?

--I give Smallville 10 out of 10 stars this season, so far.

For Supernatural, I have to admit that the show that used to be my No. 1 guilty pleasure has fallen a peg or two this season. When it returned, I was excited, but that excitement faded more and more with each new episode. I don't know about the rest of you, but I can tell a difference without Eric Kripke helming the show. Admittedly, the past few episodes have been better -- much better -- but I still feel something is lacking this season. Maybe it's the absence of Castiel, who has only been in a few episodes this season. Or maybe it's the I-hate-you sentiment between Sam and Dean now that Sam has lost his soul and doesn't give a flip about anyone or anything. Oh, where is that Winchester brotherly love? Maybe it's the way Dean has been pining over Lisa (totally out of character for Dean). I don't know. Still love the show, and I can't wait to see what happens after the short hiatus. I mean, what a cliffhanger to leave us on!

--I give Supernatural 7 out of 10 stars this season, so far. But I'm hopeful that rating will increase by season's end.