Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bye-bye, Moonlight; Flash Gordon - really?

By now, if you’re a fan of the show, I’m sure you’ve heard that “Moonlight” has been cancelled. My favorite new show of the season, cancelled! At least “The Sarah Conner Chronicles” will live to see another year. I’m not sure I could have handled both of my favorite new shows biting the dust. I applaud the “Moonlight” fan base for taking action to try to get the show on another network. I sent off a few letters, but I haven’t mobilized with much of the enthusiasm they are showing. I became cynical of such movements back when my all-time favorite show, “Dark Angel,” was cancelled. I wrote numerous letters, signed every petition, donated money for an ad to appear in numerous trade magazines, talked to friends to recruit them for the cause, and so on. It didn’t make one bit of difference. Now that “Jericho” has left a bad taste in CBS’s mouth, I doubt similar fan campaigns ever have a chance of succeeding again. But, this is one I hope does. I can’t imagine life without Mick St. John now that he’s ensnared me with his dark, good looks and vampy style.

Apparently, a live-action “Flash Gordon” movie is being made. What?! You mean, the first one was considered a flop? I loved the campiness of the Sam Jones, 80s flick, but it might be nice to see a new version on the big screen. Whatever happened to the Sci-Fi series, anyway? Cancelled? Renewed? I stopped watching about halfway through the season.

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