Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Smallville: Season 10 confirmed!

By now, this is probably old news to anyone who might care, but Smallville was officially renewed for a 10th season. Tom Welling is still on board, which kind of shocks the heck out of me, but maybe he’s finally content in the Clark Kent role he will forever be known among fanboys for. No official word on whether Erica Durance will be back as Lois Lane, but come on. We all know she will be. I’m pretty sure she’s still locked into a contract for at least one more year. I’m a little worried about Allison Mack returning as Chloe, but my fingers are crossed. And, pardon the pun, but I’m super excited! This has been my favorite season of the show so far. It keeps getting better and better. I was kind of shocked when I went over to a fan forum recently and saw so many fans who are still bashing or boycotting the season because of “dark” Superman. I agree the show took a misstep with that storyline twist this year, but Clark is slowly coming around. I’m willing to forgive this version of Clark’s flaws. I mean, when has Smallville ever followed the Superman cannon properly? Uh, almost never. Plus, Martha is returning soon! Mama Kent will set the boy straight. And that will be awesome! I love Annette O’Toole as Martha. I really do.

Question: Does anyone else who watches the show think that Tom Welling is happier now that Clark is with Lois? I have never seen his smile seem so genuine or playful as I have this year — and I don’t mean that as a zing to Kristen Kreuk/Lana fans. I’m seriously wondering if anyone else has noticed Tom’s change in mannerisms? Maybe it is just me. Or maybe Tom’s a better actor than I thought and purposely doing it to show how different Clark’s fun, light-hearted relationship with Lois Lane is compared to the strained, difficult relationship Clark always had with Lana? Either way, I’m liking it. Lots!

Tom Welling has been one of my most wanted autographs for years, just beneath Brandon Routh who finally responded to my request last year. I wonder if his lighter attitude means that Tom will start responding to fan mail soon? Oh, I can only hope.

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