Sunday, April 4, 2010

Captain America is cast, Supernatural is back and new Eclipse photos

It’s official. Chris Evans has been cast as Captain America in the upcoming film. I like Evans, but I don’t think he’s the right fit for this role. He comes across as too immature to play the part, but I could be wrong. I hope I’m wrong and he hits it out of the ballpark. I read today that the studio is now courting one of my favorite actresses, Emily Blunt, to play the female lead in the movie. That would be really cool, but I think she’ll probably turn it down. She’s got too much cred now that she’s been nominated for a Golden Globe. I hope Marvel pulls this together into a good movie. Lord knows it’s getting a lot of attention and filming hasn’t even begun.

Supernatural is back and roaring toward its season finale in May. The zombie episode was incredible, and I loved the description from last week's show: “In an average day for Sam and Dean, the brothers are killed and end up being sent to heaven on "Supernatural" (CW at 9), and while they're up there looking for an angel, they run into some old family and friends.” I still can’t believe how good this show has gotten. I mean, I’d watch it even if Jensen Ackles wasn’t on it, that’s how good it is. The last scenes of this week's episode were amazing and heartbreaking. The angel Joshua's exchange with the brothers mirrored what a lot of people are feeling these days. God is our last hope, but where is He? Why does he allow evil to exist? As Joshua told Dean, "You'll drive yourself crazy asking questions like that." And then the end scene where Castiel has lost his faith in God broke my heart. I have no doubt this is a big buildup to God's appearance on the show. I have a theory on how the season will end in May. Sam is Lucifer's most essential weapon, and Dean is heaven's only hope. I’m guessing Dean will finally grant the archangel Michael permission to use his body AND Sam succumbs to evil and gives Lucifer a chance to possess him. I think there will be a big all-out fight between Sam and Dean then. Then I think my favorite angel Castiel will appear, having found God (yes, God in person form) and God will banish Lucifer back to hell in a way that will leave us hanging until next year. Will Dean get his body back? They’ll probably make us think he won’t. Is Sam OK? Who knows? Yeah, that kinda sucks though. I guess I really don’t know what’s going to happen. I’m just guessing it’s going to be good.

And, of course, Summit leaked three new photos from the upcoming third Twilight film. I liked that the sneak preview that came on the Wal-Mart disk focused on action, action, and more action, which Eclipse is full of. Kristen Stewart as Bella’s wig still bothers me, but I’m getting used to it. What do you think?

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