Saturday, April 24, 2010

Full-length "Eclipse" trailer: Wow!

So, Oprah premiered the final trailer for Eclipse today, and all I can say is "Wow!" This trailer is so much better than the first one, I can't even begin to describe it in words. Everyone I've shown it to so far (even non-Twilight fans) has said, "I want to go see that!"

This trailer puts a lot of my fears to rest. The special effects still leave a lot to be desired, but I'm past that. It shows the newborns. It shows the new wolf pack. It shows the Cullen/newborn battle. Finally! I'm so ready to go see this movie. I can't wait for June 30.

If you haven't seen it yet, what in the heck are you waiting for?!? Go watch the trailer now by clicking HERE.