Monday, October 18, 2010

SCREAM awards

It’s that time of year again. The Scream awards (which has sort of become my favorite awards show to watch) will air tomorrow on the Spike Network. A bevy of big-name celebs always attend this show, and this year, Twi-hards will be treated to the presence of the elusive Kristen Stewart accompanied by Jackson Rathbone and Nikki Reed. I’m actually more excited by the appearance of the “Scream 4” cast and the “Back to the Future” reunion that’s featured in the show (which were filmed Sunday, so Googling the winners is a cinch if you’re impatient).

Speaking of Kristen Stewart, I’m digging this interview she gave to Access Hollywood as reported on USA Today’s website today.

Stewart is particularly happy to shed the lovesick teen Bella she's been for most of the series. "It's so satisfying," she says. "As raw and dark and whatever as it is, there's definitely a lot of conflict. It's like everything comes to fruition. You finally get what you've been begging for, basically, and it feels good."

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Zach Snyder to direct Superman reboot

I think every major news outlet has confirmed by now Zach Snyder’s role as director of the new Superman film, so it is definitely official. And I am trying really hard not to cry or be sad (or mad) about it. Personally, I have never seen a Zach Snyder movie I’ve actually liked, except for maybe “Dawn of the Dead,” even though it was gory as all get-out. “300” was OK but too gory to really enjoy. “Watchmen” was OK but too gory and too depressing to enjoy. The fact that Snyder has openly admitted he’s not a huge fan of Superman, just “fond” of him as an iconic symbol, also does not bode well for this movie. But at least the man likes comic books over all. Hopefully he will respect the masses of diehard fans who are really worried about how this reboot will go, especially after he ticked off legions of them with his terrible adaptation of “Watchmen.”

With Snyder at the helm, these are my predictions and fears for the next Superman film:

• Brandon Routh won’t play Superman again (all but confirmed by Snyder already). This makes me very, very sad.

• The tone of the new Superman film and character will be dark, which totally goes against everything the character stands for. Snyder will probably saturate the movie in blue hues, making it feel gritty and depressing — something he’s done with all of his films so far. (Maybe I should go see his “Legends of the Guardians” before I say that. The trailer does show sunlight!)

• His Lois Lane casting will be an improvement over “Superman Returns.” At least Snyder does a good job with sassy and strong female characters. I will give him that.

• There will be blood, and lots of it. Let’s face it. Gory violence is Snyder’s specialty.

• People will die. Again, Snyder loves this plot point, so someone close to Supes will probably meet a tragic end somewhere in the story. Probably a tragic, gory end.

• There won’t be much of a storyline. The focus will be on action, action, and more action. And gore. Let’s not forget the gore.

Call me crazy, but yes, I admit it. I’m worried. A little excited — but mostly worried.

Wonder Woman heads to the small screen

It looks like my plans of lassoing the role of Diana Prince (aka Wonder Woman) after I have plastic surgery and take acting lessons have been dashed! Guess that’s what I get for procrastinating! Television producer David E. Kelley — you know, the guy who created a bunch of hit TV shows such as “Boston Legal,” “Ally McBeal” and “Doogie Hauser” — has gained the rights from DC Comics to do a television series reboot of “Wonder Woman.” Part of me is glad. “Wonder Woman” is sadly neglected as one of DC Comics trio of main superheroes, but then again, I’ve been kind of hoping for a movie version sometime soon. No word on who will play the character. My guess is they’ll go with an unknown. Hopefully a tall actress too. I’m sick of actresses under 6-feet tall being associated with the role. I mean, Diana is an Amazon after all!

Spider-man reboot casts Mary Jane?

This one should be filed under those as-yet unconfirmed rumors I really hope turns out to be true. Access Hollywood and others are reporting today that Emma Stone (star of “Zombieland” and “Easy A”) has been offered the role of Mary-Jane in the reboot of “Spider-Man” alongside Andrew Garfield. I’m still not crazy about Garfield being cast as Peter Parker, but I think Emma Stone would be dead-on as MJ (and much better casting than Kirsten Dunst in the original films, if you ask me). I’m still not happy about the reboot of Spidey, but I do like the idea of Stone as MJ. I might just have to see this movie after all.

Update 10/6/10: It has been confirmed that Emma Stone has been cast in the reboot not as Mary Jane but instead as Gwen Stacy. My enthusiasm for this bizarre casting choice just took a big nosedive. I mean, Gwen Stacy? Come on, folks. I just don't see it. And Emma Stone would have been the PERFECT Mary Jane.