Monday, October 18, 2010

SCREAM awards

It’s that time of year again. The Scream awards (which has sort of become my favorite awards show to watch) will air tomorrow on the Spike Network. A bevy of big-name celebs always attend this show, and this year, Twi-hards will be treated to the presence of the elusive Kristen Stewart accompanied by Jackson Rathbone and Nikki Reed. I’m actually more excited by the appearance of the “Scream 4” cast and the “Back to the Future” reunion that’s featured in the show (which were filmed Sunday, so Googling the winners is a cinch if you’re impatient).

Speaking of Kristen Stewart, I’m digging this interview she gave to Access Hollywood as reported on USA Today’s website today.

Stewart is particularly happy to shed the lovesick teen Bella she's been for most of the series. "It's so satisfying," she says. "As raw and dark and whatever as it is, there's definitely a lot of conflict. It's like everything comes to fruition. You finally get what you've been begging for, basically, and it feels good."

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