Monday, April 11, 2011

News of the week: Green Lantern, Superman, Captain America, plus Bella's wedding dress

First of all, Warner Brothers has done it again and announced another casting decision for the Superman film on a Sunday (guys, you're getting predictable up in here). The villain is none other than General Zod, who will be played by Oscar-nominated (uh, did I say you're getting predictable, WB?) actor Michael Shannon. Well, I'm glad casting is moving right along. It seems they're doing the same thing Richard Donner did with the original Superman film (starring Christopher Reeve) and surrounding a little-known actor in the main role with tons of better known and Oscar-nominated actors in supporting roles. I will choose to take that as a good sign...

Have you checked out the official website for the Green Lantern film starring Ryan Reynolds? It's still a work in progress, but you can watch the extended trailer that was shown at Wondercon 2011. Check it out. I'm psyched to see this movie, although I can't help but think it reminds me, perhaps too much, of the animated Green Lantern film that was released last year.

Captain America: The First Avenger
film has also launched its official site, and you can check out the trailer for it online now, as well as download wallpaper, and iPhone app and an entire comic book. I was iffy about this movie, and while I find a shrunken Chris Evans very creepy (how did they do that?), I have to say, this movie looks better than I thought it would.

Stephenie Meyer's Official guide
to all things Twilight comes out Tuesday, and EW released a sneak peak at Bella's wedding dress. What do you think?

Finally, the CW released a 15-second teaser trailer for the finale of "Smallville." It's only 15 seconds, but it gave me chills (in a good way). I think it's seeing the Superman emblem combined with John Williams' theme song combined with Tom Welling's words. Either way, it's hard to believe only one month of "Smallville" remains before the show ends, for good. I need to go stock up on Kleenex...

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