Monday, October 22, 2007

Superman in trouble?

More potentially bad news has leaked about the "Superman Returns" sequel. Variety and Dark Horizons is reporting that Superman Returns" scribes Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris have opted not to come back and pen a sequel to the 2006 summer pic that would have reunited them with helmer Bryan Singer. The three also worked together on "X2: X-Men United."

As a result, WB is now taking pitches for Supe's next outing from other scribes -- just as the studio is trying to figure out which actor will don the character's tights in "Justice League."

Well, crap. As if the troubled "Man of Steel" didn't have enough problems. I personally hope the writers they get build on the concepts from "Superman Returns" rather than just ignoring it as if it never happened, which is the rumor. I mean, we all hated Jason and the fact that Lois and Superman had a kid, but that aside, the movie wasn't awful. Brandon Routh had better come back as Superman, that's all I'm saying.

He'd better!

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