Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Smallville news galore, and more

Smallville news galore!
By now you’ve probably heard the flood of news surrounding “Smallville” lately. Yes, Michael Rosenbaum is confirmed to be returning as Lex Luthor for the series finale, which it was also announced will be two hours. I didn’t rush to post this because, while I like Rosenbaum as an actor, I never enjoyed Lex on “Smallville” all that much and think the show has been sooooo much better since Lex and Lana left, it’s not funny (What, does it surprise you I wasn’t that big of a fan of “Smallville” until Season 7? Trust me, it’s true.). However, I’m glad he’s returning for at least one episode as a farewell to the diehard fans. The news that has shocked me most — SPOILER ALERT — is that Alexander, the Lex clone Tess saved in this season’s first episode, is actually none other than Conner Kent. That’s right — Superboy! As fans of the comic books know, Superboy is who-what resulted when Lex Luthor cloned his DNA with Clark Kent’s. He’s got all of Clark’s powers and a lot of Lex’s bad attitude. My first reaction was, Wow, are they really going there? Seriously? But yep, it seems they are. Then again, when has “Smallville” ever been predictable? And, anyone else find it pretty humorous that the blond, slightly gay-acting guy from High School Musical is now playing Superboy? Finally, TV Guide’s Water Cooler, has a fun article speculating about the future of Tess on the show. I hated the villainess Tess when she first came on the scene, but now, the redeemed baddy can join my crime-fighting team any day! But, as the article predicts, she might not survive to the finale, now that she knows she’s a Luther, she’s fully prepared to turn her back on Lionel for good, she’s chosen to stand by Clark and his team of goodies AND she tried to kill the Lex clone to right her wrongs.

“Ugly ends usually come to those who cross the Luthors. Upping the chances that Miss Mercer may not make it to the final credits are her non-mythology roots and her bitch-goddess bad-girl past (let's just say Miss Mercer did more than just kneel before Zod, OK?). That cocktail of revenge, karma and the likelihood of a few fatalities by the show's May 13th farewell really has us concerned, especially since Tess has repented, joined our heroes and just plain rocks. Hopefully, executive producers Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders will figure out how to keep her safe and send Freeman's fierce alter ego off with a happy ending of some sort. Otherwise, Tess could be headed for a real mess.”

To recap all of the “Smallville” news in 30 seconds or less, Michael Rosenbaum, aka Lex Luthor, is really returning! The series finale will be two hours May 13! Alexander is really Conner Kent who is really Superboy from the comics! And Tess might bite the dust soon! Got it? Good. Whew!

The third Batman film begins suiting up soon: Various news reports are saying the third Batman film from Christopher Nolan starring Christian Bale will begin filming this summer, and the cast reads like a Who’s Who of Hollywood powerlist. Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy and now Marion Cottiliaird. Others in the cast already include Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman and Gary Oldman. I’m sure the movie will be great and rake in the big bucks, but seriously, can we hear something about “Superman” already?

Speaking of casting news:
No one likes waiting, and the suspense over casting the new “Superman” film (mainly, Lois Lane and the supporting characters) and the film adaptation of “The Hunger Games” has become a preoccupation I seriously could do without. Is this what pregnant women feel like when they approach their due date? Geez. Just tell us already! I have a feeling an announcement on casting for either project could happen any day now. And as is almost always the case, I predict a bunch of unhappy moaners reacting to whoever is cast in any of the parts, because, well, that just seems to be the standard. Still, I’m on pins and needles waiting for the info. Give, already!

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