Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Hunger Games movie, plus what do I think of Catching Fire?

I gobbled up the first book in The Hunger Games series and am now well into the second book, “Catching Fire,” which I have to say is even better than “The Hunger Games.” That’s really saying something, because I thought “The Hunger Games” was at once horrific and thought-provoking and entertaining and amazing. Katniss Everdeen, you are my new fictional BFF. You go, girl! And for the record, I am firmly on Team Peeta now. Gale who?

This has been a book series that has stayed with me long after I’ve put each book down, and I've actually dreamt about it a couple of times, which is something I haven’t done with a book before or since Twilight! Granted, one was a nightmare, but still. What magic writing abilities do both Stephenie Meyer and Suzanne Collins possess, and where can I get some of it? This isn’t your ordinary science fiction young adult romance novel series. I can easily see this book being taught in schools someday for its social commentary, although the violence in the books will probably land it on the most banned list a lot. Too bad. Kids today could learn some serious lessons from it.

Apparently, I’m late to the party for the popularity for these books (or maybe it’s because I’m not a young adult?) because, as I said before, Lionsgate is already planning “The Hunger Games” movie and polls show it is one of the most anticipated films of 2012. Awesome! With a March 23, 2012, release date already lined up, and filming set to begin this spring, expect casting confirmations any day now. MTV even has a poll on its website about who should play Katniss. If you search news stories about "The Hunger Games" movie, you get a hit on a crazy, insane amount of articles. It seems every young actress and her sister are lobbying for this role right now. I especially like this one article, which predicts "The Hunger Games" could be the next big thing in film francise and breaks down the reasons why.

Maybe it’s because I love this character so much — even more than Bella Swan, if I’m honest — but I can’t see any of the actresses rumored to be in the running playing Katniss with any justice. Ultimately, I really just hope they pick someone who does a great job. Of those listed, perhaps “True Grit’s” Hailee Steinfeld? I watched an interview with her, and the question was posed if she was interested in the role, and she showed a love and enthusiasm for the books (and Katniss) that made me really lean toward her. I don’t know. What do you think?

As for Peeta, Alex Pettyfer seems to be foremost in the running for the role. I suppose he’s determined to conquer every Young Adult novel adaptation in Hollywood (wouldn’t this be his third – or fourth?), but I don’t hate the idea. I tend to hope that they will find an unknown cast though. Maybe when I see “I Am Number Four” next weekend, Pettyfer will completely win me over, but I doubt it. Peeta has become another character that is near and dear to my heart. I’d hate for just anyone to play him. Know what I mean?

There is one actor that I have envisioned the entire time I’ve been reading these books for the role of Haymitch. Who better than Johnny Depp could play this complex character? On second thought, Robert Downey Jr. would make an awesome Haymitch too. Or am I hoping for too much?

Should be interesting to see the cast announcements when they're made, which will hopefully be soon!

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