Monday, February 15, 2010

Breaking Dawn: More speculation

Oh, Breaking Dawn. Why must you torment me so?

Naturally every day I search the news for word on the next Twilight films, and today I got a hit on a couple regarding “Breaking Dawn.” Yes, the fourth book (and my favorite book) still seems to be plagued with rumors on whether it will be turned into a film or not. The latest articles — although the sources are iffy and more gossipy than more credible sites — all remind us that despite recent reports, “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn” still hasn’t been greenlit which means there’s always the possibility it won’t get made. The reason it hasn’t been greenlit, according to these same sources? Author Stephenie Meyer. She is apparently still on the fence about making the fourth book into a movie, despite what she might have said in the past. Real or rumor, who knows? But since Summit Entertainment hasn’t made an announcement yet, I’m guessing there is some truth to this. Especially since at least one article breaks down some good points we know to be fact.

For one, Summit Entertainment has only optioned the rights to make the fourth book into a film; at any time, it can decide not to proceed and sell the option to another studio, especially if Meyer stonewalls them for much longer. Summit has consistently denied reports that the movie will be made, that it will be broken into two films, and where it will be filmed and by whom. Some officials have gone on the record to say that they’re working on it, but even then, they never officially say it’s a done deal that it will be made by Summit. I think Summit would be crazy to sell the option on its biggest cash cow, but stranger things have happened in Hollywood.

For another, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner have all three been questioned about filming in recent weeks while promoting their new movies. All three have confirmed they don’t know anything. However, they’ve all said they know it will be made, they just don’t know when. I imagine Summit has locked these three into contracts while they decide how to proceed, but if Summit releases its option on the fourth book, it also releases its contracts on these three stars. And if Summit doesn’t make “Breaking Dawn,” my guess is that at least Pattinson and Stewart would walk simply because they’re indie actors and Summit is, after all, still an indie studio they seem to feel loyalty to. I think their disdain for big studio would keep them from following the project elsewhere. Total speculation on my part, but still…

However, I did find hope in some of the articles I read today, although I wonder how much salt I should put into the rumors about the “hot” sex scenes being written into the final script. “Twilight” is, after all, aimed at teenage girls. I can see them releasing a director’s cut on DVD with extended “sex” scenes, but I doubt seriously if any steamy stuff will make it to the theaters. Seriously, I just want to see Kristen Stewart ask, “Why am I covered I feathers?” and I’ll be good.

More speculation on my part — I think Summit will officially greenlight “Breaking Dawn” as two films in March, around the release of the “New Moon” DVD. I think BD part 1 will be released in theaters November 2011 and BD part 2 will come out in June 2012 (gee, I hope the world doesn’t end before then). Anyone want to place bets?

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